Insight to impact: Zenni’s journey to smarter, data-driven marketing

Join Justine Issavi and Sana Dhawan from Zenni as they share their journey of integrating customer insights into marketing decisions. Their collaboration led to the development of a scalable framework that not only streamlined processes and saved resources but also significantly improved decision-making capabilities. This session will discuss their successful pilot project that merged research with marketing efforts, securing executive buy-in and catalyzing impressive business growth. Discover how their strategic efforts have crafted effective marketing strategies and enhanced cross-departmental collaboration, establishing Zenni as a data-driven leader in the optical industry.


Location Name
Manchester G | 5th Floor
Sana Dhawan, Zenni Optical
Justine Issavi, Zenni Optical
Sana Dhawan Justine Issavi
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:35 PM
Track 3: Driving growth and innovation
Speaker bio

Sana Dhawan is the Director of Product Marketing at Zenni Optical, previously having served at L’Orèal. She is a seasoned marketer with a distinguished background in brand development, consumer insights, and leveraging research to drive product excellence and market leadership. With an unwavering "customer centric" philosophy, she has consistently demonstrated her ability to build and grow over 35 brands throughout her career. Her approach not only focuses on meeting current market demands but also on anticipating future trends. Her extensive experience spans across various dynamic and competitive markets, where her insights and strategies have resulted in impactful and sustainable growth. Sana currently serves at Zenni Optical where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's product marketing strategies by blending data-driven research with creative thinking to execute marketing campaigns and product launches that resonate with diverse audiences.

Justine Issavi, PhD, is the Director of Research at Zenni Optical, previously having served at Meta. With a seasoned career that spans academia, journalism, technology, and e-commerce, she expertly blends analytical prowess with creative strategy to drive research beyond conventional boundaries. Notably, her work is distinguished by the integration of digital and 3D technologies in anthropological research, significantly advancing the field of digital humanities and providing new insights into the dynamics of human-computer interaction in scientific settings. She has co-authored several influential papers, contributing extensively to the fields of human-computer interaction and e-commerce trends. Now at Zenni, she leads the charge in their Research department, fostering innovation in the dynamic realm of e-commerce and eyewear technology.