Human-centered ecommerce: how to use insights to drive business results

People decide emotionally and justify rationally. Paradoxically, successful design reverses that approach: rational design produces emotional connections. Creating experiences to show users that they can find solutions to their problems makes humans feel known—and they are more likely to buy what you’re selling. In this session, the team from Dell will discuss the human-centered design transformation of a global consumer and enterprise technology powerhouse. Learn the importance of understanding people’s needs, motivations, and concerns to make a more efficient and flexible design process. You’ll leave this session understanding the value of qualitative data to drive real business results.

Location Name
Manchester G | 5th Floor
David Schlosser, Dell Technologies
Karsten Baker, Dell Technologies
David Schlosser
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM
Track 3: Driving growth and innovation