Creating the right experiences: integrating content, research, and design

Learn how Salesforce rapidly adapts to rapidly evolving markets by integrating customer insights from content, research, and design, and align them with business objectives. Join Lori Sanders, Principal Content Designer at Salesforce, Sabrina Kang, Principal Researcher at Salesforce, as they discuss perspectives from content, research, and design to make customer-focused decisions. This panel will discuss how leveraging qualitative and quantitative data, iterative testing, and cross-functional collaboration can transform your approach to UX.

Location Name
Manchester F | 5th Floor
Arend Kooij, UBS
Sabrina Kang, Salesforce
Lori Sanders, Salesforce
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM
Track 2: Designing and building insights-driven products