Innovating philanthropy: leveraging insights to transform donor education through AI

Brandolon Barnett, Head of Innovation & Philanthropy at Giving Compass, will discuss how user insights have shaped the innovative use of AI in donor education. This session will dive into the development of the Guide to Good, an AI-driven platform refined through extensive user testing. It will highlight how valuable user insights validated and refined the AI agent and experience, leading to an increase in revenue. Attendees will learn how these strategies created a successful model for strategic, human-centered innovation with AI.

Location Name
Manchester G | 5th Floor
Brandolon Barnett, Giving Compass
Brandolon Barnett
Speaker LinkedIn profile
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:35 PM
Track 3: Driving growth and innovation
Speaker bio

Brandolon Barnett is the Head of Innovation & Philanthropy at Giving Compass. With a robust background in technology and philanthropy, he brings extensive experience in product management and social impact initiatives. Barnett previously served as Director of Product and Head of Industry Solutions at Philanthropy Cloud and as Chief Product Officer at Y-Combinator backed Deed and Humanitas.AI. He has also collaborated with notable figures like Combs Enterprises on philanthropic projects and co-founded several tech startups, including goARTful and The Regular. An author and advocate for equitable philanthropy, Barnett's book, Dreams Deferred, chronicles his personal journey from poverty to becoming a leader in social impact technology. He holds an MA in International Studies from the University of London SOAS and is a Pragmatic Institute Certified Product Manager.