AM Workshop 3: From paper to product: Give yourself permission to learn

Design teams often struggle with integrating effective user feedback early in the design process, leading to costly iterations, potential user dissatisfaction and heightened risk. We advocate for the use of non-digital prototypes as a rapid and cost-effective method to gather actionable insights swiftly, enabling iterative improvements before committing to development everything a release entails.

Join this workshop to discover how testing non-digital prototypes can result in lightning-fast learning and great experiences. Through hands-on work, participants will learn practical methods to gather meaningful insights from users early in the design process. Whether you're new to UX or a seasoned professional, you'll leave with actionable strategies to incorporate fast learning and iterative testing into your workflow to sharpen your vision and de-risk your outcomes.

After this workshop, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of non-digital prototyping for early-stage user feedback.
  • Gain proficiency in creating and testing low-fidelity prototypes.
  • Learn strategies to implement rapid iteration and user feedback loops in your design process.
Location Name
Manchester E | 5th Floor
Date & Time
Monday, October 28, 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
University Live Workshops